7 Ways To Get Permanent Backlinks in 2022

Permanent Backlinks are those website links to which your Industry Authority points your website. These backlinks are always recommended for the quality of your website and your content.

There are two strategies in online marketing:

  1. SEO Service Industry
  2. A Link Building Strategy

They both work and the same time. If your website has more than one backlink then higher chance to rank 1 in Google. Permanent Backlinks show the importance of what Google thinks about them. If your content quality is higher than your permanent backlink it looks more attractive. Everyone knows Google is the biggest search engine platform. There are 80% of people regularly search for what happens in the world.

One or more permanent backlinks are a signifier of your reputation.

When the quality of the content and backlinks are correct then Google always appreciates your content. If both are perfect then More Click = More sales. SEO-friendly content is quite popular.

There are some advantages:

  1. It promotes Google Search Ranking
  2. Backlinks attract your users
  3. It generates more traffic.

7 Ways To Get Permanent Backlinks

7 Ways To Get Permanent Backlinks in 2022

  • Guest Posting Services: 

 As we know Guest Posting is one of the most white-hat link strategies. It’s a feature to create content of high quality and generate more traffic. There are two options paid or unpaid, if you want unpaid then go for it you will be successful if your content is of high quality.

If you are a new user, I will recommend you create high-quality content so that you rank in no. 1. It is a concept where you can create a blog post and post it into someone’s post. Guest Posting Services are a two-way process in which you can create a relationship so that your website explores more. In this link building techniques are the most genuine SEO strategies.                 

Blogger Outreach reach service always has a strong link-building strategy. It establishes the top blogger in the industry. It has a highly effective link-building strategy. We have trusted customers because we have unique techniques for blog owners and influencers.

It also allows us that we can secure the blog content to the link. We also established a direct connection with thousands of blog owners. You can buy backlinks by hiring a blogger outreach agency for your website.

  • Pursue Quora & LinkedIn Publishing Strategy:

If you post your high-quality content on Quora it means it has a backlink then you have a permanent backlink. One more thing if you post on LinkedIn then it has a 5x times more click rate.

  • Create Attractive Infographics and Request Publishers to Use Them:

If you want to post high-quality content it’s a simple SEO guide on Google. All you need to create an attractive infographic and create more value.

7 Ways To Get Permanent Backlinks in 2022

Yes, we all know that infographics are definitely a successful tool for many things from marketing and link building. There are so many tools to create a stunning visual infographic within a minutes.

  • Write Testimonials and Reviews:

Testimonials and Reviews are part of every business. All businessmen need communication, and each and every review should be positive. So that it will build credibility. One more thing you should know about it if you write any 3 testimonials and reviews you will create 36 permanent backlinks.                   

Testimonials and reviews to help customer purchase decisions. It also helps businessmen.

You can also use them in 4 steps:

Establish Trust and Credibility:

Both testimonials and reviews are excellent ways to make a better decision process. There are 68% of customers from local companies.

Improve SEO and Rankings:

All your testimonials and reviews are shown on your website with this shows your website is fresh and relevant content. When people see your website updated it will create more opportunities and make pages higher on Google.

There are three things that provide benefits: –

  1. The consumers
  2. The reviewed business
  3. The receiver

4 steps to link with testimonials and reviews:-

  1. Make a list of relevant sites
  2. Check opportunities
  3. Write or create a unique review
  4. Reach out

Utilize Social Media The Right Way:

7 Ways To Get Permanent Backlinks in 2022

Social media platforms will always inform how active and dynamic your website is. You will generate more traffic to your social media.

Five steps to use social media:

  1. Plan
  2. Consider you Audience
  3. Remember that social media is social
  4. Dedicate time to social media
  5. Experiment

Hunt For Broken Link and Offer a Great Link:

No one wants a broken link on your website. They are going to accept high-quality content if your backlink will be broken. Think about the top blogger you never going to find any broken links.

There are some types of backlinks:

  1. Comment Backlinks
  2. Web2.0
  3. Guest Posting
  4. Forum Backlink
  5. Image Backlink
  6. Profile Backlink

There are some high-quality backlinks sites are:

  1. WordPress.com
  2. Blogspot.com
  3. Kinja.com
  4. Purevolume.com
  5. Kiwibox.com
  6. Minds.com
  7. Tumblr.com
  8. Stareboard.com


If you are SEO Service Agencies then you get permanent backlinks. I’ll be very honest with you it is very difficult to generate 100% Whitehat backlinks. In digital marketing, you need to work hard to create high-quality content.

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